Celebrating the 90th Anniversary of Hou Kong Middle School Calligraphy and Painting Competition

Celebrating the 90th Anniversary of Hou Kong Middle School Calligraphy and Painting Competition

In order to welcome the 90th anniversary of Hao Kong Middle School, the Art Department of HKP organized a painting competition with the theme of "Love of Hou Kong - Celebrating the 90th Anniversary of Hou Kong Middle School " for all primary, secondary and young students. The art department received nearly 1,000 works of art and selected 180 outstanding works from them. Most of these works had a clear theme, new creation and unique ideas, and were based on campus life and the 90th anniversary of Hou Kong Middle School, with certain connotation and artistry. They fully reflect our students' love for life, their pursuit of ideals and art, their desire for a better future and their love for Hou Kong Middle School.

In order to witness the growth of Hou Kong students on the road of art education, we held a ribbon-cutting ceremony and judging activity for the painting and calligraphy competition in the afternoon of March 31. Through this event, we hope to select outstanding art works of students and also offer our best wishes for the 90th anniversary of the founding of Hou Kong Middle School.